
Billy Meier UFO Case

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2006 - International UFO Congress - Wendelle Stevens - Michael Horn - Christian Freyher - Billy Meier Case/2006 International UFO Congress 3.avi703.06 MB
2006 - International UFO Congress - Wendelle Stevens - Michael Horn - Christian Freyher - Billy Meier Case/2006 International UFO Congress 1.avi702.25 MB
2007 - International UFO Congress - Michael Horn - Billy Meier UFO Case/[UFO]The.Billy.Meier.Case.-.International.UFO.Congress.(2007).MP3.XVID.CD1.avi700.98 MB
2007 - International UFO Congress - Michael Horn - Billy Meier UFO Case/[UFO]The.Billy.Meier.Case.-.International.UFO.Congress.(2007).MP3.XVID.CD2.avi699.92 MB
2006 - International UFO Congress - Wendelle Stevens - Michael Horn - Christian Freyher - Billy Meier Case/2006 International UFO Congress 4.avi698.61 MB
2007 - The Silent Revolution Of Truth - Michael Horn - Billy Meier UFO Case/The.Silent.Revolution.Of.Truth.(2007).MP3.XVID.avi698.46 MB
2006 - International UFO Congress - Wendelle Stevens - Michael Horn - Christian Freyher - Billy Meier Case/2006 International UFO Congress 2.avi698.29 MB
1999 - International UFO Congress - Reopening Billy Meier Case/UFO - Reopening of the Billy Meier Case (1of3) Stevens & Hesemann (1999)_pls-share!!.avi694.59 MB
1999 - International UFO Congress - Reopening Billy Meier Case/UFO - Reopening of the Billy Meier Case (2of3) Methusalem Meier (1999)_pls-share!!.avi693.32 MB
1994 - International UFO Congress - Randolph Winters - Billy Meier Case/UFO - The Billy Meier Case - International UFO Congress (Randolph Winters) (1994).avi691.97 MB
2007 - The Billy Meier Experience - Randolph Winters/UFO - Randolph Winters lecture on Billy Meier Case (1of2).avi690.59 MB
2007 - The Billy Meier Experience - Randolph Winters/UFO - Randolph Winters lecture on Billy Meier Case (2of2).avi688.73 MB
1998 - Pleiadian Mission - Randolph Winters - Billy Meier UFO Case/The Pleiadian Mission - Randolph Winters - Billy Meier Case 1998.avi676.26 MB
2001 - International UFO Congress - Wendelle Stevens - Edward Martin - James Deardorff - Dietmar Rothe - Billy Meier Case and Talmud Jmmanuel/2- Talmud Jmmanuel Edward Martin.avi656.02 MB
2001 - International UFO Congress - Wendelle Stevens - Edward Martin - James Deardorff - Dietmar Rothe - Billy Meier Case and Talmud Jmmanuel/1-Talmud Jmmanuel Wendelle.avi648.39 MB
2001 - International UFO Congress - Wendelle Stevens - Edward Martin - James Deardorff - Dietmar Rothe - Billy Meier Case and Talmud Jmmanuel/4-Talmud Jmmanue Dietmar Rothe.avi635.73 MB
1987 - Contact - Lee and Brit Elders - Wendelle Stevens - Thomas Welch - Billy Meier UFO/1987 - Contact - Lee Elders - Brit Elders - Wendelle Stevens - Thomas Welch.avi628.14 MB
1988 - Pleiadian Connection - Randolph Winters - Billy Meier UFO Case/The Pleiadian Connection - Randolph Winters (Billy Meier, UFO) (1988).avi627.36 MB
1985 - Beamship - The Movie Footage - Lee Elders - Brit Elders - Wendelle Stevens - Thomas Welch - Billy Meier UFO Case/1985 - Beamship - The Movie Footage.mkv600.32 MB
1998 - The Pleiadian Mission - The Eclectic Viewpoint - Randolph Winters - Billy Meier/1998 - The Pleiadian Mission - Eclectic Viewpoint - Randolph Winters.avi563.06 MB
1989 - Billy Meier Interview by Randolph Winters - Billy Meier UFO Case/1989 - Billy Meier Interview by Randolph Winters - Billy Meier UFO Case.avi516.3 MB
2001 - International UFO Congress - Wendelle Stevens - Edward Martin - James Deardorff - Dietmar Rothe - Billy Meier Case and Talmud Jmmanuel/3-Talmud Jmmanuel Deardorff.avi507.74 MB
2004 06 - Michael Horn w Lets Talk Paranormal - Billy Meier UFO Case 06-07-2004/Lets Talk Paranormal - UFO Billy Meier (1of2) Michael Horn 6-7-04.avi507.04 MB
1986 - The Meier Chronicles - Lee Elders - Brit Elders - Wendelle Stevens - Thomas Welch - Billy Meier UFO Case/1986 - The Meier Chronicles.avi467.11 MB
2004 06 - Michael Horn w Lets Talk Paranormal - Billy Meier UFO Case 06-07-2004/Lets Talk Paranormal - UFO Billy Meier (2of2) Michael Horn 6-14-04.avi450.71 MB
1999 - International UFO Congress - Reopening Billy Meier Case/UFO - Reopening of the Billy Meier Case (3of3) Phobol Cheng (1999)_pls-share!!.avi406.32 MB
2004 - The Meier Contacts - The Key To Our Future Survival - Michael Horn - Billy Meier UFO Case/TheKeyToOurFutureSurvival.avi383.52 MB
Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/1999 - Fox - Worlds Greatest Hoaxes/Worlds.Greatest.Hoaxes.PDTV.XviD-hV.avi349.63 MB
1979 - Documentary w Billy Meier on his 8mm UFO Films (German Commentary)/1979 - Documentary w Billy Meier on his 8mm UFO Films (German Commentary).flv187.63 MB
2007 - The Silent Revolution Of Truth - Michael Horn - Billy Meier UFO Case/The.Skeptic.MP3.XVID.avi126.19 MB
2007 - The Silent Revolution Of Truth - Michael Horn - Billy Meier UFO Case/The.History.MP3.XVID.avi88.96 MB
1989 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Supplemental Investigative Report - Billy Meier UFO Case/Pleiades_Supplemet_Rpt_pp001-553.pdf83.57 MB
Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/Debunker/Culture of Contact Episode 53 - The De(con)struction of Billy Meier.mp376.45 MB
1988 - Message From the Pleiades The Contact Notes of Edward Billy Meier - Volume 1 - Wendelle Stevens/1988 Message from the Pleiades Vol1 pp001-407.pdf64.81 MB
1995 - Message From the Pleiades The Contact Notes of Edward Billy Meier - Volume 4 - Wendelle Stevens/1995 Message From the Pleiades Vol4 pp001-408.pdf63.69 MB
1988 - Messages From the Pleiades The Contact Notes of Edward Billy Meier - Volume 1 - Unsensored Version - Wendelle Stevens/Pleiades_Msgs_Vol1_xAddendum_pp001-445-07A.pdf62.55 MB
1990 - Message From the Pleiades The Contact Notes of Edward Billy Meier - Volume 2 - Wendelle Stevens/Message From the Pleiades Vol2 pp001-391a.pdf59.67 MB
1990 - Messages From the Pleiades The Contact Notes of Edward Billy Meier - Volume 2 - Unsensored Version - Wendelle Stevens/Pleiades_Msgs_Vol2_xAddendum_pp000-414-p09.pdf57.89 MB
2007 - The Silent Revolution Of Truth - Michael Horn - Billy Meier UFO Case/The.Song.MP3.XVID.avi57.51 MB
2002 - Edward Martin w George Nory - Jesus Lost Years In India - Billy Meier Case and Talmud Jmmanuel/2002 - Edward Martin w George Nory.mp352.5 MB
1993 - Message From the Pleiades - Volume 3 - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier UFO Case/1993 Message From the Pleiades Vol3 pp001-338_.pdf50.33 MB
2006 12 - Micheal Horn w J. Scott and Trent Lackey/MichaelHorn64k.mp347.15 MB
1995 - Randolf Winters w Art Bell - Billy Meier UFO Case - 02-19-1995/02-19-1995 - Art Bell - The Billy Meier Story with Randolf Winters on C2CAM - Hour 1.mp336.12 MB
2006 07 - Michael Horn w Gene Steinburg and David Biedny - Paracast 2 of 2/2006 - Michael Horn w Gene Steinburg 2 of 2.mp330.9 MB
2006 06 - Michael Horn w Gene Steinburg and David Biedny - Paracast 1 of 2/2006 - Michael Horn w Gene Steinburg 1 of 2.mp329.28 MB
Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/Debunker/Skeptics/2007 09 - Skeptics Guide to the Universe/starts 22min15sec ends 33min skepticast2007-09-12.mp328.22 MB
2009 06 - Michael Horn w Debbie Your Show/2009 06 - Michael Horn w Debbie Your Show.mp328.1 MB
2009 05 - Michael Horn w Unraveling Secrets/2009 05 - Michael Horn w Unraveling Secrets.mp327.62 MB
2009 06 - Michael Horn w Nocturnal Frequency/2009 06 - Michael Horn w Nocturnal Frequency.mp327.46 MB
2008 - Michael Horn w Arline Kerman/2008 - Michael Horn w Arline Kerman.mp325.8 MB

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