
ChthoniC (閃靈)

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2002 - 永劫輪迴 (Relentless Recurrence)/09 第九章 掠魂入閻獄 (復讎之三) , Grab the Soul to Hell + 第十章 永劫輪迴 , Relentless Recurrence.mp337.47 MB
1999 - 祖靈之流 (Where the Ancestors' Souls Gathered)/08 聖戰 , Holy War + 榆樹街之夢魘 , Nightmare (Demo Bonus Track).mp332.01 MB
1999 - 祖靈之流 (Where the Ancestors' Souls Gathered)/04 母島解體‧登基 , Mother Isle Disingrated, Aboriginal Gods Enthroned.mp322.61 MB
2000 - 靈魄之界 (9th Empyrean)/08 第七節 永固邦稷 , Guard the Isle Eternally.mp320.81 MB
2007 - 登基十年 演唱會 (a Decade on the Throne (10 Anniversary Concert)) (CD2)/04 永固邦稷 , Guard the Isle Eternally.mp320.09 MB
2012 - Final Battle at Sing Ling Temp (Live)/09 Bloody Gaya Fulfilled.mp319.75 MB
2002 - 永劫輪迴 (Relentless Recurrence)/04 第四章 冥河冤賦 , Grievance, Acheron Poem.mp319.75 MB
2007 - 登基十年 演唱會 (a Decade on the Throne (10 Anniversary Concert)) (CD2)/09 永劫輪迴 , Relentless Recurrence.mp319.29 MB
2002 - 永劫輪迴 (Relentless Recurrence)/08 第八章 恨弒三界 (復讎之二) , Slaughter in Tri-Territory.mp319.11 MB
2012 - Final Battle at Sing Ling Temp (Live)/19 Broken Jade.mp318.52 MB
2000 - 靈魄之界 (9th Empyrean)/06 第五節 侵 , Invasion.mp317.78 MB
2007 - 登基十年 演唱會 (a Decade on the Throne (10 Anniversary Concert)) (CD2)/08 悲命格 , Onset of Tragedy.mp317.22 MB
2007 - 登基十年 演唱會 (a Decade on the Throne (10 Anniversary Concert)) (CD2)/10 半屍.橫氣山林 , Quasi Putrefaction.mp316.92 MB
2000 - 靈魄之界 (9th Empyrean)/03 第二節 幽游冥河 , Floated Unconsciously in the Acheron.mp315.95 MB
2005 - 赛德克巴莱 (Seediq Bale)/09 半屍.橫氣山林 , Quasi Putrefaction.mp315.92 MB
2012 - Final Battle at Sing Ling Temp (Live)/16 Quell the Souls in Sing Ling T.mp315.87 MB
2012 - Final Battle at Sing Ling Temp (Live)/06 Mirror of Retribution - Spell.mp315.24 MB
2005 - 赛德克巴莱 (Seediq Bale)/04 大出草 , Bloody Gaya Fulfilled.mp315.24 MB
2012 - Final Battle at Sing Ling Temp (Live)/14 Kaoru.mp315.09 MB
2002 - 永劫輪迴 (Relentless Recurrence)/02 第二章 悲命格 , Onset of Tragedy.mp315 MB
2007 - 登基十年 演唱會 (a Decade on the Throne (10 Anniversary Concert)) (CD1)/10 大出草 , Bloody Gaya Fulfilled.mp314.41 MB
2012 - Final Battle at Sing Ling Temp (Live)/10 Quasi Putrefaction.mp314.21 MB
2000 - 靈魄之界 (9th Empyrean)/04 第三節 支那之喚 , Summon of China.mp313.82 MB
2009 - 十殿 (Mirror Of Retribution (English Version))/11 孽鏡沉暮 , Spell of Setting Sun- Mirror of Retribution.mp313.58 MB
2005 - 赛德克巴莱 (Seediq Bale)/05 泣神 , the Gods Weep.mp313.55 MB
2009 - 十殿 (Mirror Of Retribution (Chinese Version))/11 孽鏡沉暮 , Spell of Setting Sun- Mirror of Retribution.mp313.51 MB
2007 - 登基十年 演唱會 (a Decade on the Throne (10 Anniversary Concert)) (CD2)/06 幽游冥河 , Floated Unconsciously in the Acheron.mp313.17 MB
2011 - 高砂軍 (Takasago Army (Taiwanese Version))/07 玉碎 , Broken Jade.mp313.09 MB
2011 - 高砂軍 (Takasago Army (Taiwanese Version))/06 薰空 , KAORU.mp312.91 MB
2005 - 赛德克巴莱 (Seediq Bale)/06 叢屍‧繫冥河 , where the Utux Ancestors Wait.mp312.79 MB
2007 - 登基十年 演唱會 (a Decade on the Throne (10 Anniversary Concert)) (CD2)/02 泣神 , the Gods Weep.mp312.58 MB
2013 - Bú-Tik (武徳) (Taiwanese Version)/09 Defenders of Bú-Tik Palace.mp312.32 MB
2011 - 高砂軍 (Takasago Army (Taiwanese Version))/10 鎮魂醒靈寺 , Quell the Souls in Sing Ling Temple.mp312.14 MB
2009 - 十殿 (Mirror Of Retribution (Chinese Version))/05 陰法渡冥河 , the Aroused.mp311.71 MB
2009 - 十殿 (Mirror Of Retribution (English Version))/05 陰法渡冥河 , the Aroused.mp311.71 MB
2013 - Bú-Tik (武徳) (Taiwanese Version)/07 Resurrection Pyre.mp311.46 MB
2005 - 赛德克巴莱 (Seediq Bale)/07 虹橋赴冤 , Exultant Suicide.mp311.44 MB
1999 - 祖靈之流 (Where the Ancestors' Souls Gathered)/06 燕歌行 , Yen Geh Shin.mp311.28 MB
2007 - 登基十年 演唱會 (a Decade on the Throne (10 Anniversary Concert)) (CD1)/06 掠魂入閻獄 , Grab the Soul to Hell.mp311.26 MB
2007 - 登基十年 演唱會 (a Decade on the Throne (10 Anniversary Concert)) (CD1)/01 Intro.mp311.12 MB
2007 - 登基十年 演唱會 (a Decade on the Throne (10 Anniversary Concert)) (CD2)/11 虹橋赴 , Exultant Suicide.mp311.05 MB
2009 - 十殿 (Mirror Of Retribution (Chinese Version))/10 淨血終戰 , Bloody Waves of Sorrow.mp311.03 MB
2009 - 十殿 (Mirror Of Retribution (English Version))/10 淨血終戰 , Bloody Waves of Sorrow.mp311.03 MB
2012 - Final Battle at Sing Ling Temp (Live)/15 Mahakala.mp310.99 MB
2012 - Final Battle at Sing Ling Temp (Live)/04 Sing Ling Temple.mp310.97 MB
2013 - Bú-Tik (武徳) (Taiwanese Version)/02 Supreme Pain for the Tyrant.mp310.91 MB
2009 - 十殿 (Mirror Of Retribution (English Version))/12 Unlimited Taiwan (Bonus Track).mp310.81 MB
2007 - 登基十年 演唱會 (a Decade on the Throne (10 Anniversary Concert)) (CD1)/05 母島解體.登基 , Decomposition of the Mother Isle (Aboriginal Gods Enthroned).mp310.76 MB
1999 - 祖靈之流 (Where the Ancestors' Souls Gathered)/02 越海 , Across the Sea.mp310.76 MB
2009 - 十殿 (Mirror Of Retribution (Chinese Version))/02 刃擰 , Blooming Blades.mp310.71 MB

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